Tuesday, August 5, 2008

~ Summer Beauty ~

My stepson gave me this plant and it is a beauty! After searching for tips on caring for this plant - and there is plenty, I was amazed at all the beautiful pictures of a Mandevilla.
(pictures here are mine - not copies of someone else's ... all mine!)

'ALICE DU PONT' (Mandevilla)
• Evergreen

Zones 21-25; may grow as a root-hardy perennial in zone 26, 27
Full sun or partial shade
Regular watering
• Climbs by: twining

If it were grown exclusively outdoors, this lovely vine would be found in only the mildest zones. But because it thrives in pots on porch or deck, it's one of the most widely sold vines in the country. Pure pink, 2- to 4-inch-wide flowers shaped like flaring trumpets usually bloom from spring into fall, carried against a backdrop of glossy green, 3- to 8-inch leaves. And unlike many other vines, this one blooms happily at a small size — plants in 4-inch containers regularly produce flowers.
You'll often find this plant identified simply by its cultivar name — 'Alice du Pont' — rather than by genus and cultivar (Mandevilla 'Alice du Pont').
This vine does best with rich soil. It likes sun but needs some afternoon shade in the hottest areas. Grown outdoors in its preferred warm climates, it can reach 20 to 30 feet; container-grown plants stay much lower. For in-ground as well as containerized plants, provide a trellis or similar support. Feed container plants with a complete fertilizer every 2 weeks until the end of bloom; then trim the stems back by half and bring the plant indoors or to a sheltered spot. Water regularly throughout winter. If you're growing the plant outdoors, do any necessary pruning during the growing season.

The buds are just as pretty as the bloom ...



Going to Disneyland!

A six year old goes to the hospital with his grandma to visit his grandpa. When they get to the hospital, he runs ahead of his grandma and bursts into his grandpa's room. 'Grandpa, Grandpa,' he says excitedly, 'as soon as Grandma comes into the room, make a noise like a frog! 'What?' said his grandpa. Make a noise like a frog because grandma said that as soon as you croak, we're going to Disneyland!'

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