Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Workplace & Assistant

My workplace - a cozy room all for me

Step inside and you will see

Containers of beads, clasps and such

Look around, you'll see oh so much

Rows and rows of my creations

Shown with delight and appreciation.

This is my assistant, Kenzie - very patient and
helpful everyday. She plays and watches me with my creating as she I'm sure is wondering "why does she sit there like this everyday?" Really she is a very good girl and her great granny enjoys her company tremendously!

My Newest
Silver and Pearls -

A combination so
soothing to the eye.
I liked the look as I
slowly created this
set while spending
some quiet time after
Ian's graduation party.

1 comment:


"The grass is very green, my friend,
And tousled, like the head of-
your grandson, yes?

W. C. William....for you, and kiss