Saturday, April 5, 2008

One Bloom of Life ...

Rainy, rainy Saturday - drops of rain falling slowly for awhile, just enough to make you drowsy - ready for a nap and comes a downpour. Yards are standing with water
the first blooms of spring are getting their roots filled of Gods' soaking rains nourishing them before the sun and heat take over enough to make them all sad and shriveled. Here is my Christmas cactus, it was full bloomed during the Christmas holidays and I moved it into the bathroom where the skylight is and now there is one bloom! Amazing what the sun and light can do to a plant along with food and water. Last year this plant bloomed on one side throughout Christmas and the other side bloomed in the summer, so I am not sure what to call it. It was my moms' so I cherish it whatever blooms it graces; it's a reminder of Mama tending to it.
My Passion
Writing is my passion
My way of showing feelings
Coming straight from the heart
And sends my world a-reeling
These are words I cannot speak
Yet with my pen they flow
Every word is special
And as big as a billow
Sad words, glad words
And some in between
Gives my heart the comfort
While sipping my caffeine!
My passion is to make you feel
As if you were really there
Be it beside my mama
Or washing dinnerware -
Want you to feel every word
‘Cause they are written just for you
Just have that knack to write this
So you’d wonder, could it be true?
Sylvia Allison
Caregivers' Bill of Rights
How to stay sane while caring for someone you love.

Adapted from "A Resource Guide for the Alzheimer's Caregiver,"
Caring for a loved one can be among the most satisfying--and exhausting--experiences in life. When you find yourself in the role of caregiver, remember: You'll be more effective in helping someone else if you take good care of yourself. Post this Caregivers' Bill of Rights somewhere you'll see it every day. And believe what it says.
It is all right to:
1. Be angry.
2. Be frustrated.
3. Take time alone.
4. Ask for help.5.
Trust your judgment.
6. Recognize your limits.
7. Make mistakes.
8. Grieve.
9. Laugh and love.
10. Hope.

Someone sent these Bill of Rights to me as I struggled watching my mom's mind vanish from her and she never knew what happened. This helped me alot, my mom is gone now but I will never forget the feelings of anger at this disease for having so much control! It took everything I had not to fall apart, she needed me then; as I did while growing up. My mom raised the five of us alone and now it was my turn to take care of my little girl...


A Daughter’s Prayer

“Hear my plea, Lord I pray
Give me strength everyday
Sure I’ve asked so much of you
But whom else can I turn to?
You’re my rock, my strength and my believer
Guide me to be Mama’s caregiver
My loving Mama who gave life to me
Without you two where would I be?
Needing constant guidance everyday
For decisions made along the way
She’s not able to do on her own
Never to be left at home alone
Hear me God hear me I pray
I need so much from you today
I’ve cried and begged for help you see
No one would listen to me but Thee.

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